May 10, 2024

The Mavisbank Trust is delighted by the news that the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) has approved a £5.3M grant to support the first phase of the Landmark Trust’s plans to restore Mavisbank House. The grant, along with support from Historic Environment Scotland and Midlothian Council, will kick start a first phase of restoration work to stabilise the ruined shell of the house and provide solutions to the longstanding issues of ownership and access.


Read more below, or click here to see our full press release.

Sarah Barron, Chair the Mavisbank Trust said, ’We have fought to save Mavisbank for over 20 years and faced many setbacks but at last there is the real possibility that this exceptional and internationally-recognised historic house will be saved from dereliction and brought back into sustainable use. The NHMF’s grant represents a resounding vote of confidence in the vision to restore Mavisbank, ensuring that it will continue to inspire and enrich the lives of future generations.’

Whilst the Landmark Trust’s initiative is primarily concerned with the restoration of the house, the Mavisbank Trust is now focussing on bringing together the local community, volunteers and other supporters to protect and enhance the designed landscape of Mavisbank in order to create a wonderful community greenspace for generations to come.

A Mavisbank supporters group is being set up to work with HES, Midlothian Council, other local organisations and community volunteers, to develop and support projects within the grounds. Initial projects could include improvements to public access, interpretation and biodiversity, repairs to boundary walls and fences, the removal of invasive plant species and the organisation of programmes of events and guided walks to highlight the important history of this amazing estate.

However, in the longer term, there is also the potential to explore how the grounds of Mavisbank could be brought into community ownership by, for example, the community buy out process which has been used successfully elsewhere in Scotland e.g. Bannockburn House, Stirling.

You can also read The Landmark Trust's Press Release and the National Heritage Memorial Fund's Press Release for more information on this exciting project

For further information on the Landmark Trust’s Mavisbank House project please visit their website at Mavisbank Will Be Saved | The Landmark Trust